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A pre-requisite to reading this book should be to first read “The Naked Society” by Vance Packard, which was published in 1964. The state of our society was in fact much worse than Vance Packard portrayed, and in every way, should be more appropriately described as “The Torn Society.” Even five years before the publication of Vance Packard’s book, a turn in the way that people in our society were treated deviated from a normal respect of human rights into the proliferation of a philosophy to make humans available for the exploitation of other humans, namely the so called “upper crust” of society. The tools for achieving this would be modern technology. Our society cannot have peace because it is in conflict with itself, torn by tyranny from within. It is our society, The American Society, The Torn Society. To come to grips with this, the people and leaders of this society need to see what they have become. Fortunately, the angels in heaven saw that the demise of the human race would transpire if The Torn Society would be allowed to run its course. So they sent something to correct that course – their eyes.
This Book is not for the faint-hearted. Will the "Torn Society" make the appropriate changes to become a better society? This is one of the many questions this book seeks to answer.



Red-Headed Book Lover

Reader Comments


***** "Very nice and interesting book that swept my mind. I could even skip meals to continue reading. The stories are well plotted. Fantasies, love, drama and many more recreational activities lessons made me love it more. It was one of the best books i have ever read in my life. Great work by the author."


***** "When I was first suggested to read "Angel eyes" I wasn't sure what to expect. The class of books I read is very different, but I am always open to everything. I started and I honestly couldnt put it down. Arthur William wright was on point with creating something very enlightening and passionate to the readers. It is past midnight and I just got done.

Norrmally I dedicate a hour to my day to read but I didn't want to stop. The stories. The love. The enlightenment of every chapter was really brought out.

I found myself unable to stop reading. I didn't.

I am apart of a book of the month club and I can't wait to encourage everyone to read it. Its rare l, but I am so excited to have fellow book lovers take the journey I did.

Kudos to the author for creating something so magnificent that will reach out to so many. I look forward to following you and seeing what you come up with next! Wonderful job!"


**** "Angels Eyes is different than my typical read. I’m glad I gave it ago.. because it took about a whole 10 minutes for me to feel deeply intrigued. I am a mom of two and usually in bed by 8pm. This read kept me up until early morning. The beginning took a minute to get my undivided attention. Once Thurston asked for the story of “that ancestor” things took off. Quickly the stories started meshing together and making crazy sense to me.

I found some of the story line really bizarre which I absolutely loved it. It’s the odd stuff that gets you thinking and feeling compelled to read on. I think There is twists that leave you wondering what will become of even the most innocent or boring situation.

William Worthy is a clean writer. Most scenes and conversations were simple and short and I appreciated how easy it was to create a picture of these scenarios in my head. However, just because Angels Eyes reads easy doesn’t mean it isn’t thought provoking; because it certainly is. My mind never turned off.

Worthy examines human relationships and depicts them in their rawest form. You’ll question the way people operate and how much society almost functions as a special operation. People are almost robotic under circumstances and I think this story and “The Program” is a neat but perplexing look at that.

Now, of course I must touch on the “angels.” They’re woven in this read in such an interesting way. I was skeptical to leap into the discussion of angels.. but this stuff will blow your mind. Worthy introduces angels whom act in mysterious ways. Working for people/families versus working for one certain person or principal.

Overall, such an interesting and different piece of work. I’d recommend." - Fallon


***** "Excellent book!!!!! Definitely must read!!!! There's certain books that capture your interest and some that don't. This book captures your interest. I read it twice. The author did an amazing job. This is a great purchase. The stories in the book were fantastic and well thought out. I thought this book would be alright but no its better. I couldn't put it down when I had the time to read after my day's events. Keep writing Mr. Worthy!!!" - Michelle


**** "I enjoyed reading this book. The language used in this book is simple to understand and yet, you cant stop reading it. Its a riveting book that appeals to all ages. Its odd but that is what gets you to want to read more. When it comes to the characters and their relationships with each other, it can be relatable. Overall, I would recommmend. Great Read. Thank you." - Geraldine.


***** "I am not a fan of fiction but I am a fan of angels, so I picked up this intriguing book not knowing what to expect. In Angels' Eyes, William Brian Worthy writes a story that arouses your curiosity, captures your attention and unleashes your imagination. A work of art!" - S.M. Frontera


**** "I would like to thank Booktasters and William Worthy for the opportunity in reading this intriguing story. What I found interesting was throughout Brian Worthy' s life, he fought the mechanism and manipulations of the inception program. They tried throughout the course of the story to influence the romantic relationships that Brian had to have the results that they wanted usually unsuccessful. The story takes you on a journey with Brian from boyhood to old age with the angels ever watching over him. This story requires multiple read throughs to take in the full depth." Spunky Girl


***** "Amazing book. I loved reading it from the first page to the last. I give a lot of credit to the author for his incredible creativity. Nice book and I will recommend it to any reader." - Sam


***** "This book is a masterpiece! The author, William Worthy gets 10 stars for intricately weaving together multiple themes that all came together at the end! I was mystified. I laughed. I cried. I swooned. I fell in love with the main character! I couldn't put this book down & now I am reading it again! I will probably read this book at least 10 more times." -Susan Castine


***** "This book is one of the best I have ever read. Absolutely nice creativity from the author. It was a great read and I could not put it down from the first page to the last. It's definitely a book I will recommend to any reader." - Wycliffe

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